Categorie: Geek-stuff
Error because no error occured‽
christian = designer
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The nice people at FOSDEM recorded their main talks and put them online, sadly without giving a playlist, so you have to click each link each time you want to play something.
So here you are, a [playlist for your comfort]/files/FOSDEM2007.m3u).
Unicode mess
You might not agree (along with me by the way), but iÌ (decomposition, Apple uses this in OS X) and à (UTF-8), í (UTF-16 and UTF-32) and í (HTML Entity) should result in displaying the same characters. I am actually talking about the Unicode character called ‘LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH ACUTE’
We can be glad that there are many different ways to enter the same character and that there is no single way to actually enter the original character and then conclude that we actually want to see the resource under the same name but written in a different way. Who cares whether it is one character or a combined character‽
Thank you Unicode! AARGH!
P.S. If you’re wondering what I’m ranting about, these three URLs should go to the same page, two of them don’t:
The nice thing that Safari manages to show the correct name in the status bar, so with resolved names for links One and Two – the latter one shifted up one pixel, very elegant (?) -, but not for Three, where I just see %ED in the URL. Ironically, this is the only character which actually shows the i acute correctly in the paragraph above. This is way above my head, many different systems at work at the same time, all trying their best to do something.
Utopia HCC Dagen 2005
Today (yesterday if you like) Utopia held its annual HCC Dagen meeting!
The number of merchants was saddingly low, they even had to close down two half halls (and the worst: the most interesting stuff was traditionally in those two halls). I fear for the existence of the current setup; the goods the shops had to offer was thirteen-in-a-dozen standard stuff and all the same.
Where did the times go where you could find the most obscure hardware at the HCC Dagen? Where were the big companies like Philips? Intel had a modest stand. Even Microsoft didn’t have a big over-the-top stand this year. Not that I was in any way interested in those, but they bring a lot of money in the organisation.
Photos of the meeting are online, waiting to be integrated in the Utopia website.
Utopia 7 Years Meeting
I almost cannot believe I am the only one posting about this…
Last weekend we went with Utopia on a meeting in the Drenthean village Drouwen, in the bungalow parc Drouwenerzand, right in between Emmen, Groningen and Assen (that’s in the North of the Netherlands).
My compliments go to the organization: Paul, Lotte, Sjoerd and Lise, you did a great job, we had three great days!
Google Maps Düsseldorf goof
Hmm, Düsseldorf now has two airports, one on the original location and one in the Rhine where the Theodor Heuss Bridge used to be? Of course I reported this to Google.
It’s quite an old photo, the bridge over the Rhine they are building in the left is in service a few years already.
Update: In the meantime, Google Maps was updated extensively (higher resolution pictures are now available of the area) and the error has been removed.
Google talks
 Hmm, why can't I help getting the impression that Google introduced [a new service]( today? P.S. I have some invites left for those who want to try it out.