Tag: Rss

  • RSS 2.0 is 20 jaar!

    Schijnbaar was RSS 2.0 gisteren 20 jaar! De drijvende kracht achter feed readers, maar tegenwoordig vooral podcasts heeft de tand des tijds prima doorstaan. Zo’n 18 jaar geleden schreef ik hier al over RSS en hoe het het internet op zijn kop zou zetten… Dát artikel sloeg achteraf gezien eigenlijk nergens op. Twee en half jaar later probeerde ik het opnieuw en dat leek al meer ergens op.

    De ontwikkelaar die uiteindelijk 20 jaar geleden RSS 2.0 heeft gepubliceerd, Dave Winer, heeft voor de gelegenheid een timeline naar RSS 2.0 samengesteld. Wat mij daarbij opvalt dat in zijn ogen alleen de laatste stapjes de moeite waard bleken van het noemen. Het lijkt erop alsof de hele specificatie in een enkele maand vanuit het niets tot stand is gekomen, terwijl de eerste schetsen voor RSS er al in maart 1999 lagen. Het heette toen “RDF Site Summary” en kwam uit de hoed van het ooit zo machtige Netscape. Marketing is alles! 😉

    Dus, fijne 23½ᵉ verjaardag, RSS!

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  • RSS, two and a half years later

    Two and a half years ago I wrote an article (has it been that long, time really flies) about the state and future of RSS. I thought it would be nice to revisit this article and delibrate on the next steps.

    The first problem I brought up was the fact that it is a poll system, as opposed to an event-based system. I asserted that if RSS wants to be successful, it has to be converted into a push method. Well, I was quite wrong :-) It turned out to be so successful that there are now companies and services that only publish RSS feeds from other feeds (Feedburner, Yahoo! Pipes).

    Something which developed very quickly during the end of 2004 was a thing called podcasting. Audio and video files are enclosed in the RSS feed and can be automatically downloaded by a newsreader or “podcatcher”. Many podcasts exist, most are of questionable quality, but some stand out, just like with written weblogs.

    The idea of podcasting caught quite a bit of attention and the relatively simple technology behind it created a slew of more or less successful ideas. Apple thought of photocasting where the iPhoto application creates RSS feeds with an item for each photo that is to be published. Other users of iPhoto can then subscribe to the feed and get automatic updates of others’ photos. It didn’t really catch on, although Flickr is now offering RSS feeds with photos enclosed which can be used with iPhoto (or any other feed reader, for that matter).


    In Free Software development circles, a Python script called Planet became popular to aggregate the weblogs of the many developers working on a project. The Hackergotchi, a small picture with or without fancy drop shadow to identify authors of the different posts was born.

    The simple way in which RSS feeds can be parsed and extended, thanks to XML, generates new applications every day. RSS no longer is solely a way of delivering blog content to the end user, it isn’t even bound to things happening over time anymore. It has become a standardized way to exchange content of any kind.

    It is an important step in the becoming of the semantic web, where every piece of information is put into context and accessible from anywhere using any device. It was a driving force in the success of the Web 2.0 bubble which didn’t burst like the first.

    Advertising companies understood the possibilities of RSS and started offering advertisements for inclusion in feeds, either in the form of a banner in the footer of posts, or as advertorials in separate feed items.

    Creative Commons - Some rights reserved

    Recently, a discussion about the copyrights of feeds came up when some people discovered that their feeds were aggregated by a commercial site which put advertisements in their posts (thereby possibly exercising their fair-use rights). They responded by relicensing the feed under a non-commercial Creative Commons license. They have no problem with people earning money with what they write, they do have a problem with people earning money with their writings without sharing or even telling.

    So, what do you think, will the article I will write two and a half years from now still be about RSS? Or will we arrive at a better technology? What will be the challenges for the next years? Will this technology or its successor ever become so user friendly your mother would use it?

    I’ve added comments to the site, just follow the link below and leave a message!

    Update: I found this little video trying to explain RSS in plain English. I think this still is way too technical, but it’s a start.

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  • RSS, the next big Internet thing?

    Well, since everyone is talking about RSS all of a sudden, Mozilla’s FireFox has builtin RSS support. The new Safari of Mac OS X “Tiger” will support RSS. And at the same time, there is news coming from the content providers stating that the whole RSS thing is cutting in their bandwidth, leaving less for the non-aggregated, probably more profitable, content.

    There are some major problems currently with RSS, first of all and also the most important factor, is that it is a poll system. It means the user has to poll the content provider for new information. Well, that is not so much different from going to the website every now and then, but the problem is that RSS feeds are downloaded very often, also on moments the user would not be watching the site anyway. Also, you miss the exposure of your advertisements, so no income.

    For RSS to be a big commercial success like HTTP is right now, it needs to be converted into a push system, in which the content provider notifies the subscribers of changes; very much like E-Mail is nowadays. The problem with E-Mail however is that you get a lot of spam, and the last thing we want is getting spammed in our new and improved message system.

    A very nice idea may be to integrate RSS with some kind of new and shiny internet message system. Luckily, the IETF has a protocol for such a system. This protocol is called Jabber. Currently mainly in use as a layer for instant messaging, but it is very powerful and, very importand, all messages are identified and authenticated. This is a major difference with E-Mail, in which anyone can send an E-Mail to anyone using a third person’s address. This is in fact what most spammers and E-Mail viruses do.

    So, if RSS is pushed, then we can subscribe to some service who will be posting certain messages when they come available. This is also a drawback of current systems: News isn’t really news, it is news with a small delay, and therefore unsuitable for real-time information like stock quotes, a burglar alarm for your house, parcel tracing, etc. It is nice to get this information at all, but it would be even nicer if you get the information right on time.

    Good, so now we have a pushed RSS feed from an authenticated party. A spammer can spam me only through a feed on which I am subscribed (of course you could set this differently if you like), but if he does, I simply stop the subscription and nothing is getting through from that spammer anymore. It is like subscribing to a mailing list, but much simpler of course. We want this to be as simple to use as possible.

    This is the first part of an article series about RSS. I’ll come up with some more points that need consideration probably within a few days. I hope it will also be a bit more vivid.

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